Love the Kid, Hate the Disease:

Lessons Learned from a Father Dealing with His Son’s Addiction

Being the parent, partner, or concerned significant other (CSO) of an addicted loved one is emotionally painful, exhausting and so scary. Please read these extremely personal and informative short stories to learn the most critical things that I wished I knew when dealing with my son’s near fatal addiction. Each story takes just 2 to 4 minutes to read. There is great hope for a better life!

Change the Game

After reading the stories and now having a deeper understanding of addiction and knowing that there is hope, please consider taking this next life-changing step of learning Community Reinforcement and Family Training, the most effective evidence-based training to help families and their addicted loved ones.

Hear What People
Are Saying

“Although everyone’s journey with this is different, there are just some things every single parent of an addict can feel in their bones and relate to in your words. I felt like you were speaking to me and that you GOT ME. I felt understood and seen.”
I am an expert in addiction, I have been cited and given awards many times. But I had no idea what to do when my own sons became addicted. I wish I had had your short stories and I hope that every parent reads this even before their kids develop a problem”
Dr. Tom McLellan,
President Obama’s former Drug Czar