Change the Game

After reading the stories and now having a deeper understanding of addiction and knowing that there is hope, please consider taking this next life-changing step of learning Community Reinforcement and Family Training, the most effective evidence-based training to help families and their addicted loved ones.

We the Village

WTV offers the only comprehensive and scientifically tested online CRAFT training. WTV studied this intervention through a National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) funded clinical trial and found that 69% of participants were able to convince their addicted loved one to accept treatment. Importantly, the clinical trial also found that 67% of participants felt less depressed, 73% felt less angry and 86% felt more confident. Finally, 75% of participants had an improved relationship and 90% had improved communication with their addicted loved one. CRAFT changes the game!

Please note, is a personal mission for me to pay forward the amazing help we received with Stevie. I have zero economic interests in any of the offerings below.

With addiction, group learning is extraordinarily powerful.

My strong recommendation is the WTV Group Program.

My second recommendation is the WTV Private Program. Learn more here.

For anyone where the CRAFT training expense is a true hardship, WTV will offer a reduced rate for the training. Inquire here

What’s Next?

Explore our Resources to learn more about finding treatment and other ways to support you or your loved one.